Helping You Obtain Your Compensation Benefits
Services Offered
A common Illinois personal injury claims involve car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents and bus accidents. People traveling in these vehicles, however, are not the only ones at risk of being injured or killed. Thousands of innocent bystanders, including pedestrians and bicyclists, are killed each year in traffic accidents.
Chicago car accident cases are not easy to settle. Attorney representation is necessary to protect accident victim rights from insurance companies. The value of a car accident case depends upon two main factors: liability and damages. Liability generally refers to proving that the traffic accident resulted from someone’s negligent conduct. Under the law, negligence means doing something that a reasonable person under similar circumstances would not do, or not doing something that a reasonable person would do.
Once liability is proven, the value of your injuries need to be determined. Damages are determined by assessing the following: what were the client's physical injuries; what type of treatment did the client undergo; how quickly did the victim recover; are there any permanent injuries or disabilities; how much time did the car accident victim miss from work including lost wages and paid time off; was there any permanent scarring; what are the total medical bills; what was the level of pain and suffering you experience; what was the loss of a normal life and any future medical treatment. Our Chicago personal injury lawyers will assess all of these factors when evaluating the value of damages.
Finally, lost wages are also recoverable in traffic accident claims. When calculating lost wages, out attorneys review whether the client missed days from work, including the use of any vacation or sick days due to the car accident. Our lawyers also assess future lost wages, which can include loss or employment or earning capabilities in the future.
Illinois law requires motorists to carry vehicle insurance. When there is a car accident, many questions arise about the adequacy of insurance coverage. What happens if the driver causing the auto accident has only the minimum coverage ($25,000) required by law, but your medical bills are $40,000? Or what if the other driver does not have any insurance? Can anything be done? Some clients are surprised to learn that their own insurance policies carry uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage. A claim can be made against a client's own insurance company when the other driver does not have insurance or they do not have enough insurance to compensate the entire amount of damages. These claims are called uninsured and underinsured motorist claims.
If you or a loved one have been seriously injured in Chicago car crash, Chicago truck accident, Chicago motorcycle accident or other type of Illinois traffic accident, then all our Chicago accident lawyers today for a free legal consultation at 312-614-1076.
Illinois workers compensation benefits are paid for workplace injuries that are caused, in whole or in part, by the employee's work. Illinois Workers Compensation benefits may also be paid for an aggravation of a pre-existing condition. Illinois work comp claims can be brought based when there is a sudden injury like a fall down. Illinois work comp claims can also come from the repetitive use of a part of the body (repetitive trauma injuries), as well as strokes, heart attacks or any other physical problems caused by work.
What workers' compensation benefits are provided?
Medical care benefits
Illinois workers compensation petitioners are entitled to receive all necessary first aid, medical, surgical, therapy and hospital services reasonably required treat the injury or disease. Where necessary, Illinois workers compensation petitioners are also entitled to receive appropriate physical, mental or vocational rehabilitation if they are unable to return to their previous job.
Temporary total disability benefits
Illinois workers compensation petitioners who lose time from work due to their injuries are entitled to receive weekly payments until they are able to return to work that is reasonably available to them. These payments are called temporary total disability payments or "TTD."
The payments represent two-thirds (66 2/3%) of the employee's average weekly earnings during the year before the accident or last exposure. No workers compensation TTD is payable for the first three working days, unless the lost time continues for 14 or more calendar days from the date of injury.
If TTD benefits are not paid within 14 days, and the employer cannot justify the delay in payment, the employer may be required to pay a penalty to Illinois work comp petitioners.
Permanent disability, disfigurement and death benefits
When an Illinois workers compensation petitioner has sustained an injury or disease which results in permanent disability, scarring or other disfigurement, additional benefits are provided to the employee.
If the injury or disease results in the employee's death, certain members of the employee's family are entitled to benefits.
Who administers the law?
The Workers Compensation Commision is responsible for administering the workers compensation laws, providing information and assistance to employees and employers, and resolving any disputes regarding employees' entitlement to benefits and the amount of benefits. The Commission does not pay benefits--this is the responsibility of the employer.
Our Illinois work comp lawyers will help you recieve the benefits benefits you deserve, even in the most difficult circumstances. If you have suffered a Chicago work injury, then call the Illinois workers comp attorneys at the Bryant Law Group for a free legal consultation at 312-614-1076.
When a patient seeks medical treatment he or she has a right to receive competent and qualified medical care. Medical malpractice is the negligent act (or failure to act) by a health care professional that results in injury to a patient. Medical malpractice is not merely a “bad” outcome, but negligent medical care that fails to rise to the level that would be provided by a reasonably well qualified physician or medical professional under similar circumstances.
If you or a family member have been harmed by the medical negligence of a health care provider, you may be entitled to compensation under Illinois law. The Chicago medical malpractice attorneys at the Bryant Law Group will assist you in determining the merit of your case and will pursue the compensation you deserve, which includes pain and suffering, loss of a normal life, lost wages, future wages and future medical care and treatment.
Call for a free consultation at (312) 614-1076
Wrongful death cases arise when the wrongful or negligent conduct of a person or entity results in the death of another person. Like personal injury, this area of the law can involve car accidents, truck accidents, construction accidents, work accidents, medical malpractice or exposure dangerous products . Your first step should be to consult with an experienced Chicago wrongful death attorney. The wrongful death lawyer will help determine who the personal representative is authorized to bring a lawsuit on behalf of the estate of a deceased person against the persons or entities responsible for the victim’s death.
Unlike a personal injury case, where the injured person is one of the plaintiffs, in the case of a wrongful death action, the family members bring the lawsuit for the wrongful actions. Oftentimes, it is the victim’s surviving spouse, children, beneficiaries or dependents who are the plaintiffs and are entitled to monetary damages that result from the victim’s death.
Various types of monetary damages may be recovered in a wrongful death action. Illinois wrongful death claims include damages for loss of companionship, sorrow and grief. If the deceased provided income for their spouse or children, it is common to take the victim’s earnings at the time of his or her death and calculate the remaining years that person was expected to live to determine future lost earnings using life expectancy tables.
Call the Bryant Law Group for a free legal consultation to discuss your wrongful death case at (312) 614-1076.
The health hazards of asbestos appeared in medical and scientific literature in the early 1900s. By the late 1930s, respected medical journals contained articles describing how asbestos could cause asbestosis and cancer, indicating that the diseases took 15 years or more to develop (latency period); that the diseases were often progressive; and that asbestos disease could be fatal.
In addition, many asbestos companies had their own corporate memos, notes, letters, and scientific articles about the health dangers of asbestos exposure.
Despite this large body of knowledge, asbestos companies failed to adequately warn about the health hazards to those who would came into contact with their asbestos products.
This failure to adequately warn and protect those who could be exposed to asbestos when the asbestos products were installed and/or removed is the basis for the negligence and strict liability lawsuits against these companies.
Asbestos exposure can occur from drywall joint compound, insulation, roofing products, floor tile, ceiling tile, automobile brakes and brake linings among many others.
If you or a loved one has been exposed to asbestos, or has been diagnosed with mesothelioma or other asbestos-related diseases, including asbestosis and lung cancer, call the Chicago asbestos attorneys at our law firm for a free consultation at (312) 614-1076.
Personal injuries caused on Chicago buses (referred to as the Chicago Transit Authority "CTA") can involve the negligent conduct of the driver, inadequate training or the condition of the bus itself.
Our Chicago bus accident attorneys will investigate your bus accident injury to help to determine if there were negligent acts by the CTA.
If you or a loved one has been involved in a Chicago bus accident, certain time periods are required to be followed in filing a bus accident lawsuit. These deadlines are called statutes of limitations. They vary from state to state and certain common carriers that are owned by governmental entities such as federal, state, county or city governments may have special notices and statutes of limitations that must be given before filing a lawsuit. These time periods can be very short. Contact Chicago CTA accident lawyers at The Bryant Law Group, LLC and we can help you assess the time limits on your case.
Call the Bryant Law Group today for a free legal consultation at 312-614-1076 and let us help you collect the benefits you deserve.
The Chicago Transit Authority ("CTA") accident lawyers at the Bryant Law Group investigate CTA train accidents, Pace bus accidents and Metra train accidents. Our personal injury attorneys work diligently on behalf of injured victims. Our CTA accident lawyers have the legal knowledge, experience and work ethic to pursue the appropriate settlement amount against the responsible parties.
The Chicago area has historically been one of the nation’s largest rail hubs. The Chicago suburbs are served by Metra, operators of the nation’s largest network of commuter rail. In addition, the CTA operates a subway and elevated rail lines in the city, the Amtrak network travels across Illinois with destinations in Chicago, downstate, and beyond state lines, and many freight lines make the Chicago area a regular stop in their cross-country routes.
Contact Chicago the Bryant Law Group, LLC for a free consultation on your CTA accident or Metra accident claim today at 312-614-1076
Motorcycle accidents can result in substantial physical and financial losses, including medical bills, costs of rehabilitation, disability or disfigurement, lost wages, pain and suffering and loss of a normal life.
Our law firm of represents Illinois motorcycle accident victims throughout the Chicago metropolitan area, including DuPage County, Will County, Cook County, and Lake County. The law firm will promptly investigate the cause of the accident, aggressively prosecute your claim and work to maximize the compensation you receive.
Often, other drivers fail to use necessary caution around bikers. A missing street sign, a malfunctioning traffic light, or poor road design or construction can lead to a motorcycle accident.
Similar to a car accident or trucking accident, Illinois law requires motorists to carry vehicle insurance. When there is a motorcycle accident, many questions arise about the adequacy of insurance coverage. What happens if the driver causing the auto accident has only the minimum coverage ($25,000) required by law, but your medical bills are $40,000? What if the at-fault driver does not have insurance. Many clients are surprised to learn their own insurance may include uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage. If the client has this type of coverage they can make a claim against their own insurance company when the at-fault driver does not carry insurance or if their limits are not enough to cover the damages
Call the Chicago personal injury lawyers at the Bryant Law Group today and recieve a free legal consultation on your Chicago motorcycle accident case at 312-614-1076.
There are two types of auto defect cases. The first is when a car defect causes the accident which results in serious injury or death. These types of auto defects are referred to as crash causing defects. An example of a crash causing auto defect is the tread separation of a defective tire which results in the driver losing control of the vehicle.
The second type of auto defect case arises when a vehicle fails to provide reasonable crash protection to its occupants. This type of case is often referred to as a crashworthiness case. Since approximately 1965, automotive manufacturers have been required to design crashworthy cars. The crashworthiness doctrine recognizes that accidents are statistically inevitable and that automotive manufacturers have a duty to eliminate unreasonable risks and provide reasonable protection to occupants in accidents.
All crashworthy vehicle designs take into account the same five general crashworthiness principles. Specifically, a crashworthy vehicle must be designed to: (1) control energy from the collision; (2) maintain occupant survival space and minimize intrusion into the passenger compartment; (3) package or compartmentalize each seating position; (4) adequately restrain occupants and prevent ejection; and (5) prevent vehicle fires. Basic features utilized to improve a vehicle’s crashworthiness are seat belts, air bags, interior padding, crumple zones, laminated glass and strong roofs. These and other lesser known safety features are considered “on the shelf” technology and, in some instances, have been available for decades. As a result of the auto manufacturers’ failure to incorporate readily available safety features into their vehicles, thousands have been needlessly injured or killed in what should have been uneventful, survivable collisions.
The important point to remember is that cars and their components must be designed and manufactured to be reasonably safe, taking into account all foreseeable crash modes, dangers and available safety features and alternative designs. Despite steady advances in automotive safety, auto defects are still widespread. Millions of defective cars capable of causing severe injuries and death in otherwise unremarkable accidents remain on the road today, but few realize the nature and scope of the problem. Given the devastating nature of the injuries often caused by auto defects, available insurance coverage is insufficient to provide for the injured party’s losses and future needs, leaving an auto defect case against the auto manufacturer as the only hope for adequate compensation.
If you or someone you love has been seriously injured in an Illinois auto accident, then call Chicago auto defect attorney, Aaron Bryant, for a free consultation at (312) 614-1076.
Personal injuries suffered as a result of bicycle accidents can be severe and life altering. Bicycle accidents can cause injuries to the head or neck, nerve damage or spinal chord paralysis, broken or dislocated bones, or even have lost the use of a limb. Our law firm understands that the goal after going through such trauma is to get your medical bills paid and covered, make sure you are reimbursed for any lost wages, make sure the insurance company will pay for future treatment relating to your injury and pay for pain and suffering and loss of normal life. Our bicycle lawyers will promptly investigate the cause of the bike accident, aggressively prosecute your claim and work to maximize the compensation you receive.
If you or someone you know has suffered from a bicycle accident in Chicago or throughout Illinois, then call the Bryant Law Group for a free consultation at (312) 614-1076.
Construction accident are often due to the unsafe nature of the work-sites. Power tools, partially built structures, scaffold falls, ladders, lifts, heavy machinery and rotating crews of tradesmen account for some of the hazards on construction sites. First and foremost, the accident victim can file a worker’s compensation claim against their employer while recuperating from the injury. Many incidents, though, are complicated and involve numerous parties on the job-site. Such cases require separate construction accident lawsuits to compensate the victim and his or her family for injury or death for the negligence.
Call (312) 614-1076 for a free legal consultation on your Chicago construction accident or Illinois workers compensation case.
Premises liability refers to accidents that happen to a guest or trespasser on another’s property. These premises include homeowners and business owners, and the injuries usually result from an unsafe condition on the land due to the negligence of the owner or some failure to warn of the dangers. Landowners retain varying degrees of responsibility towards their visitors, depending on the category of law into which the visitors fall: invitee, licensee or trespasser. These categories are usually determined by the nature of the visit -- whether it is for commercial or social purposes, whether it is by invitation or an intrusion.
To determine liability, our law firm will investigate the creation of the hazard, the length of time the hazard has existed, whether the landowner knew of the hazard or whether the landowner should have know of the hazard.
In addition to proving liability, our law firm will work to maximize the damages to which you are entitled. Compensation for damages include: the nature and extent of your injury; the type of medical treatment you have received or will require in the future; the amount of your medical bills; your lost wages or earnings; your pain and suffering and disability. Our law firm knows how to properly present your doctor to testify at trial; your family or friends to testify about the impact of your injuries; and your employer to testify about your job duties, lost wages and benefits.
Call the attorneys at our law firm for a free consultation on your Illinois premises liability or Chicago slip and fall case at (312) 614-1076.